Independent Project

As the end of the year approaches, It becomes time for the independent projects. While I had a few ideas for this assignment, I eventually settled with creating a cloak from the Harry otter movies, as costumes were listed under our possible assignments list.  I went looking for a pattern to follow, as this cloak would have to be used again so I wanted it to look really nice, but they were pricy, so I decided to change my path just a little. I had some left over fabric that I needed to use and 'pet costumes' were also on the assignment list, o I decided to make my dogs cloaks first. 

To start, I got rough measurements of Max to create a pattern outline. I then cut the pieces to his shape and hot glued them together. For the front of the cloak and the inside of the hood, I added the Hufflepuff yellow lining to represent his house (He's supper friendly, so I chose 'huffleruff') . For Max, I chose to make sleeves since he is  tall, but I didn't do that for Stella's. The dogs gave plenty of help; they loved rolling around in the fabric! To get the crest just right, I printed it as an image and used hot glue to attach (these dog costumes were mostly to help me understand the cloaks, not so much as long-lasting costumes). To finish the cloak, I added the button in the front and was done.

For Stella, I followed the same process, but with different colors. She got red for the house 'Gruffindor'. She is much shorter and stockier, so I left the sleeves off. I also used an old t-shirt for this cloak, which worked perfectly. Unlike Max, Stella did not want to play dress up so it was hard to get photos of her, but we eventually got a good picture!

Having an idea of what I was going to do, I stated on my own costume. First, I traced a general shape onto my fabric then cut them out. I sewed the edged and the base was pretty much done. I did do a lot of corrections by reshaping the sleeves and making the arm a little smaller to make it fit better.  I tried using pieces of an old t-shirt that was dark green for the lining, but ran out and ended up using some scraps from an old project.. Inside the cloak is a pocket for the wand that I made; I tried to make it movie accurate. From there, I was pretty much finished. I added the house crest, cleaned it up as best as I could, then hung it up in my closet, ready to be used.