
Here, I started prepping the materials, I stated cutting the plates, rolling the newspaper and crafting the horns, which were made of spoons and napkins that were tapped together then paper mached. 

Using a pattern I sewed the dress out of muslin for my base. My model and I found some old shoes that we decided to use. Then, I stated mapping out how I wanted things to be placed. 

This section proved to be more challenging than I had thought, and took a longer time than I had expected. Measuring, cutting, painting and gluing the outfit together was time-taking, but excited at the least. It's always a good feeling to finish one part and move on to another, finally seeing the dress start to come together. At this stage, I made the accessories, such as the Head-dress, the necklace, and the armbands. Of course there was problems along the way. One of the major ones was with the headpiece, which would not stay upright on the head.  Many other problems occurred, but had easy solutions.  Then we were given our lineup and our photo was posted.