2021, Free Choice Theme

Trend Board
I traveled through many different trends before settling on this. I really liked the half- and-half look, but i also really likes the simple dress with the over skirt. The simple dress represents the loneliness portion of the emotions, being calm and not much going on. The fluffy over skirt represents the happiness portion, being overwhelming and a little crazy.
Fashion Sketchbook Studies

Here is a photo of most of my collected materials. I've gathered some 'fabrics' that I've stored away, not knowing what to do with, and laid out some choices. These yellow curtains and tulle should work pretty well, so they should stay. The black fabric, I've had problems with in the past, but it might work. I've also been gathering sprite cans and bottles (it's my mom's favorite drink) and egg cartons. We've been saving them for my neighbor's chickens, but they don't need them anymore, so I'll use them.

Final Designs

Prototypes/Face Mask

I sketched up a few designs to choose from, first starting with what type of mask i wanted to make. I knew I didn't want to do the bandanna-style, so that was ruled out. I had previously made masks with a pleated pattern, but a pattern for the other style shouldn't be to hard to some by. I decide to go with the non-pleated patter and just have gathered tulle on the mask as a compromise between options 1 and 2.

The collection of photos here shows my process of creating these face masks/ prototype for my garment. To begin, I looked for a pattern, but had a difficult time finding on that didn't have to be printed, so I ended up drafting one myself. It took a few tries and a few adjustment, but I eventually had something to work with. I them used the pattern to cut my fabrics, being the yellow curtain and yellow tulle, which were then sewn together. After I had my base, I cut up the egg cartons and tulle that I used to make the flower-like bundles. I made a few of those in different sizes and shapes, and attached them to the mask. I decided that it looked a little plain, so I also attached small shells to give it some shine, while not making it to heavy. At the end I decided to make the earrings that I had been debating on adding, just to see how they'd look. Also, lots of thank to my mom, who was willing to model these for me!!
Semester Project

For my semester exam, I decided to start creating the flowers from the egg cartons. I would cut on of the cartons into multiple pieces, then use rounded scissors to smooth the edge. I use hot glue and 5-6 petals to create the flower. In a last minute decision. sequins were placed in the center. When it gets warmer out, I'll spray the back of the flowers with a darker gold for dimension.

After I made a whole bunch of the flower, I had to change my focus. So, I started on my first dress by getting my materials prepped and creating my base. I reused an old pattern for the top that will be altered on my model. I plated my skirt and gathered the tulle to see how everything will look. My model happens to be a close friend, which make the fitting process a lot easier. Next i can finalized the sizing of the dress and start the application of the flowers.

Once the dress was made to her size, I started the long process of attaching the egg carton flowers. This defiantly took a lot longer than I had expected, along with a lot more flowers than planned. When starting this project, I didn't think I would use all the egg cartons that I had, but now that I'm finished, I only have 2 egg cartons left! After some contemplating, I decide to not make the gloves in my original design and instead put the mesh at the neckline to build up the flowers at the top of the dresses. I also wanted my models to be comfortable since the neckline ended up being a little lower than I had planned. Once I had the base of dress 1 done, I started on dress 2. This dress went through a completely different construction than the first one. I didn't have a pattern that i could start with, so i free-handed a shape and just went with it. Luckily, the ruffles and tulle on dress 2 covers all of the areas that may have laid funny. We did a quick fitting, a few alterations, and a whole of lot gluing to get the flowers, pearls and bottle caps on the dress. I put together the shoes, which were matching for both of them, and a few hair accessories (we we're looking at different placements in a photo above) then we were ready to go!

Final Photos

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